Watch oot, there’s Hens aboot!
Excitement was afoot in the Library last Saturday. The latest issue of our zine, Hens Tae Watch Oot Fur, had arrived fresh from the printers in time for our launch. Sales of issue one had gone extremely well and the Hens have been pleased by people’s response to the zine. Calls for submissions on the theme of ‘Representation’ had been answered with heart warming poetry, experimental artwork and tales of stolen kisses in a library.

At the launch event we were delighted to hear from Hannah, one of the Hens, about her work with the zine. Hannah’s artwork is featured in the zine but she is also responsible for designing the layout, ready for the printers. On top of all that, she’s a key member of the zine’s editorial and proof reading team. Hannah gave us a rare insight into the hard work that goes into making the zine and the passion that is behind a project like this one.
Rare objects from the Lesbian Archive were on display too. Samples of the Lesbian Pulp Fiction were on display alongside articles from The Ladder, a rare lesbian journal, critiquing the representations of lesbians in these works. Visitors could flick through some of the zines already in the Library’s collection and guess which ones helped inspire the Hens. We were also excited to received a donation of the latest issue of Team Girl to add to the Library’s zine collection. Thanks to the members of Team Girl that came along to the event!
You can purchase Issue Two of the zine directly from the Library for £2 or via our online shop for £3.50 (P+P inc.). Copies of the zine can also be purchased from Goodpress, from Wednesday onwards.
This event was part of LGBT History Month. To find out more about events happening February, please visit their website.