‘Between The Sheets is an erotic fiction campaign designed to push the boundaries of library users and challenge their reading horizons.’ Coming to a library near you…
Aaargh! Have you come across this ‘campaign’ in your local library? And who are these mysterious ‘library users’? Are they male or female? Hetero? Bi? Lesbian? Gay?
How on earth could anyone put Fifty Shades of You-Know-What on any list of erotic fiction? And at Numero Uno. Ha! Erotic fiction for those for whom subjugation to the venal whims of a misogynistic, f***ed-up, controlling psychopath is a date with a dream? (Of course, it was all his mother’s fault, really. Poor dear.) But OMG foreplay has never been easier; all Mr Grey has to do is appear and our lovely heroine is climaxing with a moist gasp.

But come on, Women of Glasgow and Scotland and the World! What would YOU put on the Glasgow Women’s Library’s Top Ten List of Erotic Novels?
Below is the list of what the Between The Sheets campaign is offering in selected libraries, and god-only-knows, probably in Ann Summers too, with a free DIY come-as your-fave-heroine kit. Now, some of them (surely?) are ones that a good feminist could happily recommend to her daughters. But which? My seminal tome was Fear of Flying, Erica Jong. It made number 24. (Seminal? Oh dear, must stop these puns…)
Oh, and guess what? Of the four covers I saw promoting this venture, two featured blindfolded women. I bet they’d love it if only women kept those blindfolds on…

So here’s the challenge. Are any of these books ones you would recommend?
And if not, what would you recommend to grown-up women who enjoy both their reading and their sexuality?
Please, please tell me. I really need to know. And once I do, I’ll try to make sure we have them in GWL!
So what are you waiting for? The comments boxes are empty and longing for your suggestions…
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All views expressed here are those of Magi.
TOP TEN EROTIC NOVELS from the Between the Sheets public library campaign
1. Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James
2. In Too Deep by Portia Da Costa
3. Sarah’s Education by Madeleine Moore
4.The Business Of Pleasure by Justine Elyot
5.The Initiation of Ms Holly by K.D. Grace
6. Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
7. The Bride Stripped Bare by Nikki Gemmell
8. Vox by Nicholson Barker (sic)
9. Bared To You by Sylvia Day
10. The Apprentice by Carrie Williams
And just for the record – No, I haven’t bought, or even borrowed, 50 Shades. But I have read excerpts online and even had a quick read in Fopp, just to make sure that, yes, it’s as bad as I had been led to believe.