Recently I was buying some chocolate at Thornton’s on Sauchiehall Street, and the slim young woman assistant plied me with free tasters from a couple of plates on the counter. She obviously knew an addict when she saw one. Of course, I expressed surprise that she could work amongst all that chocolate and not have turned into Two-Ton-Tessie. ‘Oh,’ she replied, flashing me a filling-free smile, ‘after the first few days you grow sick of it. Then you’re not tempted any more.’
This made me think. Would I get to this point at Glasgow Women’s Library? There are so many books in so many flavours. Is it possible that one day I won’t be tempted any more?
Well, let’s just say, it’s not happened yet. And given the goodies on offer, I don’t think it’s likely to happen. But hey, look on the bright side, books don’t make you fat or cause your teeth to rot and fall out. In fact, even better, books IMPROVE your quality of life.
Which is something I was thinking about after I attended the GWL Reading for Wellbeing session on Thursday evening.
At Reading for Wellbeing we each bring along a book, story, poem or poetry collection that has given us a ‘feel-good’ moment, or that we feel would enhance the life of any woman who reads it. We share and discuss, then afterwards, our choices are recorded and saved as a resource for anyone looking for Reading for Wellbeing material. That might be an individual, or a book group, or a tutor for a course. It’s a great resource, and a lovely group to attend. Watch the website for news of the next session.
Meanwhile, I thought, if you’re a bookaholic like me, you might appreciate this cartoon:

So, I’ll leave you with that timely warning. But If you find you really can’t kick the habit, or that you’d love to be a book addict but don’t know where to start, or you need some fresh ideas about what to read, then email me on magi.gibson@womenslibrary.org.uk for advice, or even better, come along to Glasgow Women’s Library and have a chat. Wendy, our librarian is really knowledgeable and helpful, or you can book a one-to-one session with me.
And if you can’t come to Reading for Wellbeing, but have a favourite book, story or poem you think other women would love or benefit from, then why not use the comments below to make suggestions? I’d love to hear them.
Oh, and please sign up and tell other book addicts about this blog!
Happy Reading!
Recommended Book from the GWL shelves this week: The Girl with Green Eyes by Edna O’Brien.

(Yes, I know it’s odd to suggest the second in the trilogy, but once you’re hooked you’ll read all three. GWL has a good selection of Edna O’Brien.)
STOP PRESS! SATURDAY 17th NOVEMBER 2.30 – 3.30 at Glasgow Women’s Library – Wild Writing, Chat and Cake with Magi Gibson and women from the Wild Women Writing Workshop Tel 0141 248 9969 or book by using the comments box below.
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