Equals and Herstory Portrait at Paisley Museum

Two fantastic new art exhibitions featuring women artists have just opened in Renfrewshire at Paisley Museum.

Equals features work from a variety of women artists and celebrates a century of female artistic creativity. There is an emphasis on artists associated with Glasgow School of Art, from trail-blazing Glasgow Girls, Olive Carleton Smyth and Stansmore Dean, through to their successors such as Joan Eardley and contemporary artist Mary Redmond, whose newly commissioned work is shown here for the first time.

Herstory Portrait  features work by the Glasgow based artist Sharon Thomas,who is also one of the featured artists in GWL’s “Two Decades of Changing Minds”  events.  In her exhibition at Paisley museum, Thomas presents egg-tempera portraits of seven inspirational women, several of whom are the first females to gain key positions in their respective professions. Herstory Portrait includes preparatory sketches and is a unique opportunity to see inside the artist’s process.

Both exhibitions run from 29th June to 2nd October.

To find out more go to the arts and museums page on Renfrewshire Council’s website:

Herstory Portrait is also an Internet accessible artwork.  Go to www.herstoryportrait.com for a direct link to all of the work and its collaborators.

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