My work experience by Carenza

I’m going to say sorry in advance because I have never done a blog before. My name is Carenza Young and I am fifteen years old. Some might ask why is a fifteen year old in the Women’s Library or why is she not at school? The answer is work experience, for one week each fourth year has to leave school and go to work. When we were told this most people thought ‘great a week off!’ I had no idea what I was going to do.

At the time I wanted to be a writer (it’s now off, I won’t tell how I changed my mind, it’s a long story) so I thought about doing something with books. It was working in a library or at a publishers. I didn’t know any publishers around here so I went with the library choice. At first I thought I would work with my mum’s friend but they don’t do work experience. Then I contacted all the libraries in Glasgow and only the Women’s library answered back.

That was a few months ago. About two weeks ago we had a letter sent home about work experience. It said I had to dress smartly and no jeans or trainers. Which is what I normally wear. I don’t really own any smart clothes apart from my school uniform. The nearest thing I had was a blue spotty skirt that I had made myself. Thankfully I had emailed Adele asking her what I should wear. She said something what I was comfortable in and warm because it was cold in the library.

Moving on to Monday morning. Very early in the morning, I had to go in with my dad and he goes to work very early. I’ll save you the boring bit where I spent hours there. I found the Library okay but it was still locked. I phoned but no one answered. It seemed a long time at the time but it must have been fifteen minutes before Dawn came and let go in with her. When the door opened to the Library my first thought was ‘wow’( I come from a family who loves books). It wasn’t long before Adele arrived and I was sat down and got the Welcome pack. After that I was busy with jobs that Adele had given me. Then lunch, then more jobs.

On Tuesday I got the hang of it. Adele gives me jobs or someone else will ask me to photocopy or laminate for them. I also found that they run on tea. For most of the day I was washing up for the 20th Anniversary with Laine. Also I had to get the foam boards that are now the time line.

Wednesday was the most exciting and most confusing of the days so far. In the morning it was very quiet. Then when Lunch finished it was like everyone had come to life. Adele was everywhere making sure that everything was getting done. Once or twice I had to tell her where her glasses were. We did have tea breaks but I never managed to finish my coffee because whenever I went away someone would wash it up.  In a few short hours the Library had changed from being the bookshelves and the massive table into a wide open space. Then it stopped, everything was done. I had to wait for my mum to phone me to pick me up.

I went back to the Anniversary, it was interesting to see who uses the library and how long they have known it for. Most of them had known it for a good number of years and could recall stories about it. They have been through so much over twenty years.

Its Thursday now. I hope tomorrow is just as good as my week has been. It will be a shame to go back to school. It’s not just a library, it’s a family. It does not have the strictness of a normal library, it’s relaxed and sometimes loud. Its not a library for women it’s a library about women. Anyone can come in here. They don’t ask you to get out because you’re talking to your friend, instead they asked you if you want tea or coffee. The people who work here (not just women) are friendly and they care about the people who come in here. They are so enthusiastic about what they do and what they can do.

I would certainly come back, one day but I’m at school at the moment and I have exams coming up so I can’t skive and come here instead. If I could, I would.  I will never forget my week here. Its not like anything else and I volunteer at Oxfam. The Women’s Library has books, has an archive, the workers service on tea and it’s one of the best places in the world.