Would you like to find out more about women in the Blitz; the suffragettes in Clydebank; the Singer factory strikers; and women who worked in the shipyards? Jane Rae, Mary Haldane, Jenny Hyslop – do you know the stories of these women? Or maybe there is another woman from Clydebank’s past you would like to know more about…

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done anything like this before – the course is suitable for beginners and will show you how to research women’s history in your local area. It will also include fact finding visits to local museums and archives. Who knows, you might uncover a new Clydebank heroine!
The course starts Wednesday 6th October, 1.00pm-3.00pm, at Dalmuir Community Centre, Duntocher Road, Clydebank, G81 4RQ. It will run for 10 weeks and is free of charge as long as you have an Individual Learning Account. If you don’t already have an ILA, we can help you register for one.
If you would like to find out more about the course, or would like help with ILA registration for the course, then why not come along to our free taster session:
Wednesday 22nd September, 12.30-2.30pm
The Hub Community Centre
Kilbowie Road
This course is run by Glasgow Women’s Library in partnership with DACE at Glasgow University with support from: West Dunbartonshire Council Community Learning and Development; Clydebank Library; and Clydebank Museum.
Please note: The times and location of this course have been changed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.