Researching Your Local History

Do you have a favourite woman, place, building, or organisation you would like to know more about? Interested in researching the first women’s refuge or the meetings of the women’s suffrage movement? Come and be guided through the process of researching local and women’s history, and pick up some helpful hints of how to pull the information together. We are also looking for new Women’s History Detectives to help research the Necropolis and Garnethill areas so this could be the perfect starting point!

Want to know more? We are holding a taster session so you can get more information and see if this is for you:

Taster: Wednesday 31 March, 10am – 12pm
Ten Week Course Starts: Wednesday 21 April, 10am – 12pm

The course runs for 10 weeks and will include visits to a museum and archive. Run by Ronnie Scott* in partnership with DACE at Glasgow University. This course is accredited, so you could receive 4 ACE points.

This course is ILA supported so you need to have this in place to begin. Click here to visit the ILA Scotland website for more information and to register online. If you need assistance just call the library and we can talk you through it, ask for Laura.

For more information or to book your place click here to send us an email or you can call us on 0141 552 8345

*please note this course is run by a male tutor

You might also be interested in attending The Digging Detectives first session on Tuesday 2 March 2010