Singing for a Gude Cause

Gude Cause was formed to mark the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement Procession along Princes Street in Edinburgh in 1909.  The culmination of this celebration will be a re-enactment of this march on 10th October 2009.

The WEA have been awarded a grant to mark the centenary of the Gude Cause procession through Awards for All from the National Lottery. As a result, in preparation for this march, GWL and WEA have teamed up to provide 2 singing workshops.  The workshops will give you the opportunity to learn the songs for the Gude Cause march re-enactment.

Wednesday, 30 September – 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Wednesday, 7 October – 6.30pm to 8.30pm

The workshops are open to any women who want to be involved whether you feel have singing ability or not!

To register your interest or book a place: please call 0141 552 8345 or contact Laura at the Library.

Why not check out our Banner Making workshops as well.