Banner Making #2

Gude Cause was formed to mark the 100th anniversary of the Women’s Suffrage Movement Procession along Princes Street in Edinburgh in 1909. The culmination of this celebration will be a re-enactment of this march on 10th October 2009.

No demonstration could ever be complete without an array of colourful banners and placards, and the re-enactment of the women’s suffrage procession will be no exception. Why not come along to our banner making sessions to use your arts and crafts skills to produce a GWL and WEA banner to be taken on the re-enactment march in October.

Tuesday 22 September, 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday 29 September, 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday 6 October, 1pm to 3pm

You can attend one or all three of the sessions, depending on what suits you. Come along and try your hand at banner making in a friendly relaxed environment.

To register your interest or book a place: please call 0141 552 8345 or contact Laura at the Library.

Why not check out our Singing for a Gude Cause workshops as well.

GWL are working in partnership with the WEA, who have been awarded a grant to mark the centenary of the Gude Cause procession through Awards for All from the National Lottery.