New Faces, new hats


Just wanted to mention how fantastic it is to have some new faces added to the Library staff team of late. Morag the new Lifelong Learning Development Worker is taking on the Herculean task of grappling with the complexities of GWL past and present and orientating this to the landscape of the whole of Scotland and all the women in it. Nisha, although in an earlier incarnation was a Library volunteer receptionist is now to be found in her new guise as Admin Assistant to the Making Space project and the National Lifelong Learning team. Laura Mc is another familiar face who has taken on a new role at GWL, from part of the Librarian volunteer support team to proper, sitting at the GWL Librarain’s desk Librarian during Wendy’s maternity leave. And excellent too to have Hannah on board, a totally new face at GWL and a really welcome one at that, the first woman to wear the Archivist Hat (no we don’t really have one) at GWL. And finally, Fiona Dean has joined us as Project Coordinator of the Making Space Public Art project, lovely to have Fiona’s wealth of knowledge and positivity added to the mix. Welcome to all and bringing with them loads of fantastic new perspectives and ideas and skills and stories. How many more wonderful women can you cram into a Women’s Library office I hear you cry? Well two more imminently, artists in residence will be added to the brew following interviews taking place later this month, more exciting news of this to follow!