Moving On Up

This event has now passed! Please check the Events Calendar for new and upcoming events.

Nothing can stop us – but you can help!
Glasgow Women’s Library will be moving to the Mitchell in 2010, and we want your help to make the new library as fun, friendly and accessible as possible.

We’d like to invite you to our Transition Cafe at the new space, where we’ll be sharing our ideas for the future, and asking you what you’d like to see, hear and feel in the new Women’s Library.

  • What’s the special ingredient that you love about the library?
  • How would you use the new space?
  • What will the new Women’s Library look like?
  • We want your answers to these and other questions.

    Thursday, 25 June in the future Women’s Library
    at The Mitchell Library, Berkeley Street
    Lunchtime Session: 12-1.30pm
    Evening Session: 6-7.30pm

    Please let us know if you would like to come to either session. Call us on 0141 552 8345 or contact us through the website.

    One reply on “Moving On Up”

    hi there,Laura,

    Thank you, thank you, very much, for your reply to my last email,only now getting round to responding to you.!! Alas, I can,t attend the events at the the Mitchell, re, moving on up, as I,m doing something at the playwrights studio. Would it be ok, if If I responded to the discussion, by writing? As a veteran user , x long term, pro active, supporter of GWL, spanning over 2 decades,!!,I would like to be part of the future discussions, and the realization of the vision.

    Thank u very much for the source for that gorgeous lace decoration,in gwl, I will most def follow it through,

    In sisterhood,

    Mila Brown x

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