Knitting for Peace

Just found out about this rather remarkable ‘knitting action’, organised by the American organisation CODEPINK. For Mother’s Day (the American one, 10th May), they went to the White House with a massive quilt bearing the slogan “We will not raise our children to kill another mother’s child”.

Codepink - Mother's Day Vigil full banner

Codepink - Sewing the banner

From the CODEPINK website:

“This Mother’s Day, we held our second 24-hour vigil in front of the White House, where we honored all mothers and women who live where war is happening – where women are paying the price with their bodies, loved ones, homes, future.”

The quilt was made from thousands of little squares knitted by women (and men) from across America and beyond. The slogan itself was inspired by Julia Ward Howe’s 1870 ‘Mother’s Day Proclamation

Codepink - Mother's Day Vigil

All images © CODEPINK. More images from the event are on Flickr

(via feministing)

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