Calling all book lovers (and tree lovers) out there!
We’ve now got a book-swapping shelf in the library for, yes, you guessed it, women to swap books with each other. As well as being a great way to save money and discover new authors, book swapping can also help us to make a positive change in terms of our environmental impact.
In 2003, Greenpeace produced evidence that the UK publishing industry was inadvertently fuelling the destruction of ancient forests in Finland and Canada. It found that one Canadian spruce produces just 24 books, which means that if you read one book every two weeks, your habits destroy almost one large tree every year. Scary stuff. In contrast, swapping books means that each book is maximised.
So if you’re popping into GWL, why not bring some books that you’re finished with that you think other women might enjoy? Swapping books with others is a great way to widen your reading horizons, and it’s good to know that it’s also helping to save a few trees into the bargain.
Just ask a staff member to show you where the shelf is. It’s looking a bit empty and unloved at the moment, so please fill it up with gorgeous books that will inspire, entertain and enlighten!
To find out more about book swapping, you can check out these websites: