Happy New Year

Well we are back in the Library after a wee break to enjoy all that the festive period had to offer and things are starting to hot up already! The planning for the Spring 2008 Programme is well underway and there are already a few things taking shape for end of February and early March. Of course, International Women’s Week takes place at the beginning of March so we will have some events based round this as always, we are also holding a couple of walks, talks and events around Glasgow’s Women and the Abolitionist Movement. The programme should be with you at the end of January 2008.

While I am on I thought I would let people know about the following course:

University of Glasgow
Department of Adult & Continuing Education
Writing for Personal Development 2

Writing is a powerful tool for self-exploration and change. It can detect unconscious messages you miss, help clarify goals and aid in making transitions. Start the New Year by discovering the imaginative power at your fingertips!

We’ll use a range of inspiring exercises and blend them with concerns you raise in the group. These might include relationships, body issues, breaking bad habits, confidence etc.

Beginners welcome. The focus is on writing for wellbeing rather than writing skills.

Tutor: Frances Campbell* BA
Course No: G184 £81.50 Reduced rate: £40.75
19.00-21.00 Tuesdays from 15 January (10 meetings)
BOOKING: – contact Glasgow University: tel 0141 330 1860

Participants at similar courses have said:
– You made me think in fresh ways.
– You were great at creating a relaxed, open inviting atmosphere where I felt comfortable to write.

* Frances Campbell: novelist, short story writer & poet. Her novel,The Past is Another Country – was nominated for a Saltire Award. Her short stories and articles have featured in publications from Chapman to The Independent. She is editor of Hidden Voices, a report on the inaugural conference of Lapidus Scotland [Literary Arts in Personal Development], is on the management committee of Lapidus Scotland and is Scottish representative to Lapidus UK.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!  Hope that 2008 is a great year for all.