Aung San Suu Kyi

Check out the following snippet taken from the Scottish Parliament website:

S3M-713 Pauline McNeill (Glasgow Kelvin) (Lab) : Freedom of the City of Glasgow for Aung San Suu Kyi— That the Parliament welcomes the decision of Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Councillor Robert Winter, to recommend Aung San Suu Kyi, the democratically elected leader of Burma who has been under house arrest since 1990, for the Freedom of the City of Glasgow in recognition of her achievements in the service of democracy, as a further signal of Scotland’s support for her immediate release and restoration of Burmese democracy; congratulates Glasgow Women’s Library and Amnesty International Scotland for their successful campaign; calls on all parties and civic organisations in Glasgow to support the Lord Provost’s initiative, and further calls on the Scottish Government to work with the UK Government to highlight the situation in Burma and campaign for an end to oppression.

Supported by: Robert Brown, Bill Butler, Malcolm Chisholm, Kenneth Gibson, Karen Gillon, Marlyn Glen, Robin Harper, Liam McArthur, Dr Elaine Murray, Hugh O’Donnell, John Park, David Whitton, Bob Doris, Patricia Ferguson, Trish Godman, Jamie Hepburn, Ken Macintosh, Mr Frank McAveety, Mike Pringle, Elaine Smith, Sandra White, Bill Aitken, George Foulkes, Hugh Henry, Gil Paterson, Marilyn Livingstone
Lodged on 29 October 2007; current

Well done to everyone involved in this campaign!