This is a compilation of books, websites and audio resources which have been used by the workers on the Lesbian Archive Development Project while developing the LGBTQ Collections Online Resource. The list is by no means comprehensive, but we have tried to populate it as fully as possible. We want to signpost the great work of other archives and LGBTQ History projects across the UK and internationally, as well as to provide people accessing this resource with other avenues for research. The majority of books listed can be accessed or borrowed at Glasgow Women’s Library, along with a whole load of other LGBTQI+ texts.
Ann Cvetkovich, An Archive of Feelings : Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures, Duke University Press 2003.
Jules Cassidy, and Angela Stewart-Park, We’re Here Conversations with Lesbian Women. London; New York: Quartet Books, 1977.
Madeleine Colvin, and Jane Hawksley. Section 28: A Practical Guide to the Law and Its Implications. London: National Council for Civil Liberties, 1989.
Kate Eichorn, The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order, Temple University Press, 2013.
Jean Fraser and Tessa Boffin, eds. Stolen Glances: Lesbians Take Photographs. Rivers Oram Press/Pandora List, 1991.
Jill Gardiner, From the Closet to the Screen: Women at the Gateways Club, 1945-85. London; Chicago: Pandora, 2003.
Veronica Groocock, Changing Our Lives: Lesbian Passions, Politics, Priorities. London: Cassell, 1996.
Joan Nestle, A Fragile Union: New And Selected Writings. Edited by Inc Recorded Books. San Francisco, Cleis Press, 2012.
‘1984. The Trials of Gay’s the Word. – Gay in the 80s’, http://www.gayinthe80s.com/2012/10/1984-the-trials-of-gays-the-word/.
‘A Pivotal Era in LGBT History?’ Gay in the 80s, http://www.gayinthe80s.com/.
‘Code of Ethics | Zinelibraries.info’, http://zinelibraries.info/code-of-ethics/.
‘Cruising the Seventies’ Tumblr, http://cruisingthe70s.tumblr.com/?og=1.
‘Cruising the Seventies | Edinburgh College of Art’, http://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/school-of-design/research/projects/cruising-the-seventies.
‘DIVA Magazine / Lesbian and Bisexual Magazine, http://www.divamag.co.uk/.
‘e9.1 Dossier – Queer Archival Futures’. http://hemisphericinstitute.org/hemi/en/e-misferica-91/cvetkovich.
‘E-Misférica 9.1-9.2 On the Subject of Archives’. http://hemisphericinstitute.org/hemi/en/e-misferica-91.
Historic England, ‘Pride of Place: England’s LGBTQ Heritage | Historic England’, https://historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/lgbtq-heritage-project/.
Historic England, ‘Talking Back | Historic England’, https://historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/lgbtq-heritage-project/activism-and-community-building/talking-back/.
Nazmia Jamal and Historic England, ‘Camden Lesbian Centre, Historic England’, https://historicengland.org.uk/research/inclusive-heritage/lgbtq-heritage-project/activism-and-community-building/camden-lesbian-centre/.
‘Historypin, Pride of Place: England’s LGBTQ Heritage’, https://www.historypin.org/en/prideofplace/.
‘Lesbian Archive and Information Centre Timeline’, Glasgow Women’s Library, https://womenslibrary.org.uk/laic/laictimeline/laictimeline.html.
‘Lesbian Avenger Documentary Project’, http://www.lesbianavengers.com/.
‘Mission of Off Our Backs’, http://www.offourbacks.org/Mission.html .
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, http://www.onearchives.org/
‘OurStory Scotland’, http://www.ourstoryscotland.org.uk/.
‘Queer Scotland’. Queer Scotland, https://queerscotland.com/.
‘Quim Magazine’. http://quimmagazine.tumblr.com/.
‘Rebeldykes | About the Film Project’. Rebeldykes http://www.rebeldykes1980s.com/about-the-film-project.
‘Red Hot Organization’, http://redhot.org/
‘Remember When, Celebrating the histories of Edinburgh’s LGBT communities, – Activism’, http://www.livingmemory.org.uk/rememberwhen/activism/.
Tara Robertson, ‘Digitization: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should’. https://tararobertson.ca/2016/oob/.
Tara Robertson, ‘Update on On Our Backs and Reveal Digital’. Tara Robertson, 16 August 2016. http://tararobertson.ca/2016/oob-update/.
‘Speak Out London’. Speak Out London. https://speakoutlondon.wordpress.com/.
‘Speaking Out | Glasgow Women’s Library’, https://womenslibrary.org.uk/discover-our-projects/speaking-out/.
Caroline Woddis, ‘Obituary: Jackie Forster | The Independent’. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/obituary-jackie-forster-1181696.html.
Podcasts and Film
‘Tate Events: Axe Grinding Workshop Audio Recordings’, http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/audio/axe-grinding-workshop-audio-recordings.
‘Tate Events: Civil Partnerships? Queer and Feminist Curating Audio Recordings’, http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/audio/civil-partnerships-queer-and-feminist-curating-audio-recordings.
Shaun O’Boyle (ed), Queering Museums Podcast Soundcloud, https://soundcloud.com/queeringmuseums.
Sharon Hayes in conversation with Alice Andrews, The Common Guild and Glasgow Women’s Library, https://soundcloud.com/the-common-guild/sharon-hayes-in-conversation-with-alice-andrews
Francesca Stella on Sharon Hayes, The Common Guild, https://soundcloud.com/the-common-guild/dr-francesca-stella-on-sharon-hayes
Pride. UK: Pathé Productions Limited : Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2015.
All external links are correct as of March 2017
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