The Women Who Uncovered the Spycops Scandal

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Learn about the ‘spycops’ scandal. 
The truth about these abusive, intrusive police units. This event will feature the Scottish premiere of a new film: ‘The Spies Who Ruined Our Lives’

Banners, Ballads and Badges

National Museum of Scotland Chambers Street, Edinburgh

The impact of the Cold War still lingers in Scottish politics, culture and memory. Join an afternoon of talks and crafting, at the National Museum of Scotland to better understand a time when the world stood on the brink of nuclear war.

£3 – £5

While We Wait: Closing Event with Rayna Carruthers

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

An opportunity to see this beautiful exhibition a week before it closes and to hear Rayna Carruthers speak about her photography, the process and some of the ways she considers ethics within her practice.