With support from Creative Scotland’s Create Inclusion Fund, Lubna Kerr, actor-comedian, has been working on material towards a new play, partly autobiographical, reflecting on her journey into the arts as an older Scottish Pakistani woman. Her proposal outlines an inclusive and open approach to development of her work and she is very keen to present it at to an audience of peers and professionals as well as Black and Minority Ethnic audiences, some of whom who took part in her research workshops.
After Lubna’s performance, a creative feedback session on her work will take place aimed at performing arts sector creatives/ professionals. We would be very grateful if you could RSVP indicating whether you can attend the performance and whether or not you can participate in the post-performance feedback session. We expect the performance to take 30-40 minutes after which those who need to leave are welcome to do so and those who can stay with us can expect the rest of the session to take a further 1.5 hours or so.
Lovely samosas and tray bakes will be served along with a selection on teas and coffees.
If you require more info or wish to come along then email Syma on: syma.ahmed@womenslibrary.org.