Memories of Our Mothers, Future Dreams
Part of the Renfrewshire Mental Health Arts & Film Festival, these 2 oral history sessions will focus on memories and recollections of women – whether it is memories of your own life and upbringing or the memories of a woman who has influenced or inspired you – mother, grandmother, aunt, friend. This is your chance to tell your story. The sessions are very informal and no previous experience is necessary. Both workshops are open to men and women and all ages are welcome.
Session 2: Bring along objects or photographs and record your story for the library’s Archives. What are the differences between your life now and women’s lives in the past? Tell us what you think the future holds for Scottish women.
This sessions will take place from 2pm-4pm on Monday 17th October, at Ferguslie Park Library, Paisley.
Booking in advance is essential. To register your interest please complete the quick booking form below or call us on 0141 248 9969. If you are not already a member of the library you can join here and it is completely free.
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