The Reading group has as its focus books written by Muslim women or with topics of particular relevance to Muslim women today.
You may be passionate about books and love to share them with others, or you simply want to get into the habit of reading, whatever your motivation this group is for you! Join us to make new friends, have a laugh, learn something new and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed environment.
To find out more please contact
“Loved the discussions and reading the work of Muslim female writers” – Reading group participant
This reading group is for women only* and is free to attend. Please book below (you will be taken through the shopping cart but no charge will be made) or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. If you have booked a place and are no longer able to attend please let us know so that we can make your place available to someone else.
*All women-only events are inclusive of Trans and Intersex women, as well as non-binary and gender fluid people who identify in a significant way as woman or female.