Following the successful launch of their Women’s Heritage Walk in March 2013, Aberdeen Women’s Alliance will now be running outreach workshops where anyone can share their own stories of Aberdeen women and take part in fun craft and heritage activities
5.30pm – 8pm, Wednesday 4th February
Town House restaurant, Broad Street, Aberdeen.
Herstory scrapbooking
Celebrate your own story or the story of another woman by creating a scrapbook page. Use a fabulous range of creative paper, gems and embellishments to capture the story of special moments and people. Follow our examples or create your own designs, adding your own images and stories. No arts or crafts experience is necessary. In this session you will learn scrapbooking techniques and create two scrapbook pages about your own life or celebrating the life of another woman.
To book please contact Norma Grant, email, telephone 07779193121