Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day on our popular Hidden Gems of Garnethill Women’s Heritage Walk.
Garnethill is at the heart of Glasgow’s city centre but remains an unknown quarter for many. This walk takes in its grand tenements, painted gables, miniature park, synagogue and world acclaimed architectural triumphs. These and other fascinating landmarks help us to tell the stories of some of the most remarkable achievements of women in Glasgow’s history. Within Garnethill’s confined boundaries we spotlight the women who pioneered European art movements, designed the banners for suffragette processions, created the first women’s Library in Scotland and made Garnethill into the most exciting cultural and multicultural hotspot in Glasgow.
This event costs £7.50 full price. You can purchase tickets direct from the library, Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm or click here to book online.
All places must be paid for in advance as tour guides are not able to handle money on the day of the walk. Start point for the walk will be given in a confirmation email once payment is received.
Unfortunately on this occasion we are unable to offer free or subsidised places on our Women’s Heritage Walks.