Multilingual narratives of migration in Europe
Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th March 2012
This interdisciplinary conference will provide a forum for discussion of the issues facing women who have moved from one culture to another and have adopted in their daily lives and creative work a language other than their ‘mother tongue’.
We will look at the creative, linguistic, economic and psychological effects of this displacement. The critical examination of women’s narratives in Europe (fiction, poetry, diaries, memoirs, pamphlets), from a literary perspective will be complemented by sessions looking at these issues from a historical, political and sociological perspective.
The broad nature of this conference provides an excellent opportunity for exchange between researchers in different disciplines who do not always have the chance to come together.
For more information on the Displaced Women event or to book your place please visit the event organisers website:
If you are interested in women and migration check out our publication She Settles in the Shields that we are launching on International Women’s Day at the Library.