Collect:if is a network run by and for creative women of colour (WoC). Built on mutual support, we highlight the cultural contributions of Black and Ethnic Minority women, and nurture emerging creative voices.
Join us at our welcoming, informal gatherings to connect and learn more about how to use Collect:if and GWL resources to put your practice in the spotlight. At this meeting, we’re delighted to welcome Safina Mazhar, author of the Power of Four series, who’ll be sharing her journey into writing and publishing.
We look forward to reconnecting, celebrating creative talent and welcoming new members. Refreshments provided.
This workshop is for women only* and is free to attend. Please book below (you will be taken through the shopping cart but no charge will be made) or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. If you have booked a place and are no longer able to attend please let us know so that we can make your place available to someone else.
*All women-only events are inclusive of Trans and Intersex women, as well as non-binary and gender fluid people who identify in a significant way as woman or female.