GWL are embarking upon an exciting series of discussions that will explore the challenges affecting Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women in the arts and open up the potential for creating a new network based at GWL. We welcome women claiming space at GWL to come together, combat isolation and increase creative confidence.
We invite all women who are involved in the arts, and identify as BME or WoC, to come along, share views and ideas and explore the potential for an inspiring new network.
This event will be hosted by women who are BME arts practitioners and staff from GWL’s BME project. Refreshments will be provided.
This event is for women only and aimed at audiences who are 16+. The event is free to attend. Please book below (you will be taken through the shopping cart but no charge will be made) or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. If you have booked a place and are no longer able to attend please let us know so that we can make your place available to someone else.