Join us for an afternoon of readings as we celebrate the work produces as part of the Belonging Project.
Over the past year, the Belonging Project has worked with over 1,200 participants across Scotland on themes of journey, assimilation and belonging, specifically considering the experiences of migrants and refugees. This event marks Scottish Refugee Week where we will present new creative writing written as a part of the project’s workshops at the GWL and the Maryhill Integration Network.
“[The Belonging workshops] have been the most interesting and inspirational mornings with a wonderful group of women who have come together and very quickly felt confident enough to share incredible stories in a safe and supportive environment.” – Belonging Workshop participant
This event is for women only and is free to attend. Please book below (you will be taken through the shopping cart but no charge will be made) or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. If you have booked a place and are no longer able to attend please let us know so that we can make your place available to someone else.