Mandy McIntosh, Artist in Residence for the Women of Glasgow, is looking to work with local East End women to produce drawings and words which can be processed into artworks for display on London Road.
Workshop 1 will start with an overview of the current hoarding artworks on Landressy Street with Mandy talking about the ideas and intentions of the work and then a close look at the London road aspect considering sight lines, legibility and so on.
We will then proceed to the library where Mandy will talk a bit more about the residency and the idea for the hoarding, which is to represent the interior of the library as a powerful resource for women, through experimental drawing and writing.
We will undertake some really fun drawing exercises, no experience necessary whatsoever, and look at ways to simulate the library through drawing and photography. Women will also be asked to make portraits of either themselves or others, using the library, selecting books, talking to each other, again, this isn’t about skill or technique, its about making marks and enjoying that process. We will use simple drawing materials and women can work at a scale or pace that suits them. The onus will be on authentic drawing, no matter how simple or rough people feel their work is, it will all be utilised and valid. Materials will be provided.
Mandy McIntosh will gather up the outcomes of that days work, to scan digitise and process. At the following workshop on Thursday the 29th, she will present those digital outcomes back to the participants for feedback and final additions/tweaks.
This will then form the final artwork for print which will be installed on London road so that all participants will have contributed to a visual landmark in their own community and feel a sense of ownership and empowerment through that process and platform.
The hoarding will depict the library as an intriguing and welcoming interior, populated by women who utilise its resources.
We particularly welcome women who are actively concerned with eliminating violence against women, women who have used the library as a resource in their stance against violence and local women who have an ongoing connection with the library as learners. Women of all ages from all backgrounds are welcome.
There are limited places available. If you are keen to take part please email Mandy directly at or call us on 0141 550 2267