Postcard No.2142. Captioned ‘MY TIME WILL SOON BE UP AT BLACKPOOL. SO LOOK FORWARD TO MY RETURN’. Date stamped August 1913.
Collection Items
Selected items from the GWL Library, Archive and Museum Collections. For a more comprehensive view of material in our collections, please search our online catalogues.
Postcard: Are We Downhearted
Harry Quinton Postcard No.32. The image depicts a women watching from a small window, asking ‘ARE WE DOWNHEARTED’, as another woman is carried past in a stretcher by two policemen […]
Postcard: Safe In The Arms of The Policeman
Valentines Suffragette Series postcard captioned ‘SAFE IN THE ARMS OF THE POLICEMAN’, depicting an indignant woman being manhandled by a uniformed policeman during a ‘Votes for Women’ demonstration. Signed bottom […]
Postcard: “I Thought You Were a Letter-Box”
Lawrence and Jellicoe “London Opinion” Postcard No. 5033. Captioned ‘”BEG PARDON- I THOUGHT YOU WERE A LETTER BOX!”‘. Date stamped July 1916.
Panko Playing Cards
Also known as ‘Votes for Women’, this game pits opponents and supporters of women’s suffrage against each other. It was widely advertised and distributed by the WSPU.
Hunger Strike Medal: Maud Joachim
Hunger Strike medal in original presentation box, awarded to Maud Joachim by the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU). The lined interior of the box lid is printed in gilt: […]
Postcard: Another pillar box outrage
Series 300 – 3: Captioned “Another pillar box outrage”, depicting a man lying on his back beside a red post box and a smashed bottle in a paper bag, alluding […]
Postcard: Suffragettes and Their Bombs
Postcard No. 1365: Captioned “WELL! I’VE HEARD ABOUT SUFFRAGETTES AND THEIR BOMBS !!” and depicting a rotund lady with prominent bottom standing on the parapet of a bridge with her […]
Postcard: Miss Hissy Addresses a Meeting of the WSPU
E. Mack postcard captioned ‘GREAT SUFFRAGE DEMONSTRATION ~ MISS HISSY ADDRESSES A MEETING OF THE GOOSE’S SOCIAL and POLITICAL UNION’. The image depicts a gaggle of geese listening intently to […]
Past Participants: a lesbian history diary for 1984
“Illustrated with biographies and pictures of strong lesbians from Britain’s past – artists, dancers, printers, politicians, pirates – all women who derived inspiration and strength from loving women.”