I will always carry on reading now.
Author: Wendy Kirk
A life in books
Sometimes I think my job can’t get any better – and then it does. On Sunday, Sue and I were lucky enough to be invited to look through Hannah Frank’s […]
The Book Boy
I like this because it reminded me about the time I was looking to get an education years ago.
A good International Women’s Day? Aye Write!
What with one thing and another, I only made it to one event at Aye Write this year, but did I pick a good one or what? Myself, Kay and Sue headed along to the Jackie Kay and Val McDermid reading last Sunday night. It was totally packed out, which made for a great atmosphere.
The World’s Wife
Takes a surprising selection of men from legend, literature and history, rewriting their tales from the wives’ perspectives
My Life
Not the most well-known of poets, but her original, thoughtful and affecting work Life makes you wonder why not.
Gender Trouble
A study of Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
Wild Geese (Poem)
It has such deep meaning, especially when feeling lost or not part of anything.
Four Small Elegies (poems)
When terrible things are happening in the world, Margaret Atwood’s poetry helps me to face them.
The Creel (poem)
Beautiful Scottish imagery illuminating the burden on women.