Author: Laura

West End Women’s Heritage Walk

Back by popular demand, this pioneering women’s heritage walk, developed by women historians at GWL, reveals a hidden history of the West End: pipe-smoking forewomen, revolting schoolmistresses, and the unique car made by and for women. An intriguing, inspiring insight into the hitherto unsung women who made the West End.

Women Writers Unite: The Journey

Women Writers Unite to examine the physical, emotional and spiritual journey which forms a pivotal part of most women’s lives. Authors Louise Welsh, Leela Soma, Joyce Ito and Sarah Ward share their own work, as well as the experiences of others on themes of migration, asylum, and the struggle to live across two very different cultures.

Garnethill Women’s Heritage Walk

Back by popular demand, this walking tour within Garnethill’s confined boundaries will spotlight the women who pioneered European art movements, designed the banners for suffragette processions, created the first (and only) women’s library in Scotland and made Garnethill into the most exciting cultural and multicultural hotspot in Glasgow.

(Closed) Fundraising Event Support Volunteers

This Volunteer post has now been filled. This volunteer post will assist the Audience Development Intern in working towards the development, coordination and promotion of a large Arts Event and Auction Fundraiser.