Glasgow Women’s Library is part of a wide-reaching and diverse network of libraries, information centres and organisation devoted to helping women find the information they need to improve their lives and the societies they live in. From internationally recognised archives to grassroots activists, feminist publishers and blogs, these links are just some of the sister organisations the Library works with and has been inspired by.
Many of the Library projects, policies and initiatives have developed after peer group visits, contacts or discussions. One early inspiration came from exchange visits with Kunstlerinnenarchiv, Nurnberg (now located at Bildwechsel, Hamburg) in 1990/1. Another inspiring sister organization was the former Women Artists Slide Library, now the Women’s Art Library (MAKE), based at Goldsmith’s College, London.
We are members of the Women’s Information Network Europe (WINE), which has over 50 member organisations from women’s libraries, archives and information centres across Europe. We are also part of the KnowHow community, a worldwide network of information specialists who are making information about the position of women in society available and accessible. Staff from the library have attended the internationally renowned KnowHow conferences in Amsterdam and Mexico City, which offered fantastic opportunities for networking, inspiration and learning.