Glasgow Women’s Library receives financial assistance in the form of ‘ring-fenced’ grants for specific projects from many sources and we could not undertake much of our work without this vital support.
We would like to thank all our funders, past and current, for their investment and belief in us. Our dedicated projects are currently supported by the following funders:
GWL is a Creative Scotland Regularly Funded Organisation
Learning Programmes, Adult Literacy and Numeracy, Black and Minority Ethnic Women’s Project, and Librarian Services: Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Communities Fund.
National Project: The Scottish Government, Equality and Human Rights Fund.
Volunteer Development Programme: The Robertson Trust and the National Lottery Heritage Fund, #Digital8 Remote and Digital Heritage Volunteering strand.
Three Decades of Changing Minds project, 2022-2023: National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Glasgow Women’s Library does not receive full core cost support and needs to constantly fundraise to meet day-to-day running costs such as utility bills. Please help to keep GWL running by becoming a Friend or making a donation today.