Glasgow Women’s Library is an Accredited Museum. This means that we meet nationally agreed standards on collections care, museum management and the provision of information and services to visitors.
The Accreditation Scheme is a voluntary scheme that sets nationally agreed standards for museums in the UK, with museums in Scotland assessed by Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS).

In 2015 Glasgow Women’s Library’s entire collection of museum and archive holdings was designated as a ‘Recognised Collection of National Significance’. The Recognition Scheme, managed by MGS on behalf of the Scottish Government, ensures that Scotland’s most important collections are identified, cared for and promoted to wider audiences.

We are a Volunteer Charter Champion. We recognise and are committed to the values and principles of the Volunteer Charter: helping to ensure that volunteers are engaged in meaningful, inclusive and legitimate tasks which do not undermine the role of paid workers.

We are a Living Wage Employer. The real Living Wage is an independently calculated rate based on the cost of living and is paid voluntarily by employers.

Glasgow Women’s Library is a Scottish Charity SC029881, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
Glasgow Women’s Library is a registered company.
Registered Company No: 178507
Registered Office: 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, G40 1BP