GWL at 30: Anti-racist work

In this podcast volunteers Niamh and Joy chat with Co-founder and Co-director Adele Patrick, BME Women’s Project Development Worker Syma Ahmed, and Outreach and Engagement Development worker Lil Green, about the ways anti-racist work has been a core element of GWL’s history over the last 30+ years.

This podcast is one in a series of podcasts created and developed by volunteers as part of our Three Decades of Changing Minds project. Each show covers one of six key themes in our work and history – access, green, LGBTQ+, anti-racism, violence against women, and changemaking. Please see here to listen to all of our podcasts.

Please note that our volunteers are hard at work transcribing this podcast and developing shownotes, and they will be uploaded in a few weeks time. Please check back then!


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