Is GWL for me?

Sarah MacDonald volunteered with us in 2012.  Like many other of the women who move on from volunteering she has stayed in touch and reflects here on the impact of volunteering with GWL on her life.

Sarah cutting Volunteer's Week cake
Sarah celebrating Volunteers’ Week with other volunteers.

“I began volunteering at Glasgow Women’s Library somewhat apprehensively while I was at university. I wasn’t sure it would be the sort of place for me and I wasn’t entirely confident or comfortable surrounded by strangers. I also wasn’t sure if I had anything to offer that they didn’t already have. Being the wonderful women they are, they welcomed, encouraged and provided me with opportunities to explore whatever avenues of volunteering (and feminism!) I wanted to.

From a personal perspective, GWL gave me the freedom to explore and discuss my own values, ideas and learn from other women. I met many women, from all walks of life, who were happy to share their stories, skills and friendship with me. I was able to find out and become involved in many different projects the library had running such as Mapping Memorials to Women in Scotland, delving into the archive and even film-making.

My experience of volunteering with GWL gave me the opportunity to discover where lie both my strengths (I am caring and good at gaining people’s trust) and weaknesses (I am quite shy in large groups) . This has meant that I have been able to improve my areas of weakness and work to my strengths. I now currently work in the voluntary sector providing advice, support and representation for vulnerable adults.  I have found a job where I work to my strengths and values, which have come directly from my experience at the library.

Volunteering with Glasgow Women’s Library has without doubt positively impacted my life. From a personal aspect I am much more aware, and critical of outside influences on my life (friendships, relationships, politics, culture etc). More importantly I am more confident and secure in myself.

I feel very lucky to have discovered and volunteered at Glasgow Women’s Library – it is a place that has enormously influenced and inspired me. Glasgow Women’s Library will always hold a place close to my heart. “