Jenny recommends:
Mavis’s shoes by Sue Reid-Sexton
It is March 1941, during the Second World War, and Lenny Gillespie, aged 9, is on the streets of Clydebank after the Germans attack. Lenny and her 4 year old sister Mavis, are on their way home when the sirens sound. Their mother Peggy has gone to the cinema with a friend and left Lenny in charge of Mavis. When they reach the canal, Lenny and Mavis are caught in trouble by the ‘bad boys’. They boys throw stones at them, causing Mavis’s red shoe to fall in the canal. Lenny rescues it, but Mavis runs off, leaving Lenny with her only shoe…..
I liked this book because you realise how scary it must have been for people during the war, and how it changed their lives. You also discover the community of Carbeth and how people felt safe there. Although they didn’t all get on well with each other, they still worked as a team and comforted everyone.
I would recommend this book to people who like history of have a general interest in the Second World War.