What-I’m-Not Song

A ‘Reading for Wellbeing’ recommended read!

What-I’m-Not Song by Liz Lochhead (from True confessions and new cliches by Liz Lochhead)

I chose this poem as, to quote my best mate after I read it out to her on the phone last night, ‘it’s like a big feminist middle finger stretching through the years’! It just filled me with joy when I came across it, it’s empowering in the way that only telling it like it really is can be. I love that Liz Lochhead doesn’t mince her words, the reader is left in NO doubt as to what the speaker isn’t, which then opens up infinite possibilities for what she could be. It’s like a call to arms to rewrite history, reclaim women’s space and to finally speak the words which will allow US to define ourselves, what’s not to like??!