As part of this week’s Book Week Scotland celebrations I parachuted in to Bridgeton in the east end of Glasgow with fellow Guerillas Sue Reid Sexton and Helen Fitzgerald, ably assisted by the amazing J*. We made our base camp at Bridgeton Community Learning Campus on Dale Street, where our boss D* was waiting with maps, state-of-the-art pens, and stashes of – shhh! whisper it quietly – our secret weapon, paper.
We synchronised watches, made sure our interpersonal communicators had the right numbers, then D sent us out. Our mission? To come back with stories and poems from the good people of Bridgeton. Or, if we failed, to do the honourable thing and fall on our pens.
From this point on I’ll let the pictures tell the story…

We were lucky with the weather – sunshine and blue skies – and with the collaborators we met along the way. In the end we were able to go back, heads held high, mission accomplished. D typed up the amazing stories and poems we had liberated and posted them on the wall of the community centre.

Of course, we couldn’t have D or J in the photo. Their identities have to be protected. But without them, well, who knows what might have gone wrong?
Can’t wait for my next assignment. Guerilla Writers are GO!
Hope you’re all having as much fun with Book Week Scotland as I am.
Happy reading!
* code-names. TOP SECRET. But D was doing a first class impersonation of GWL’s Donna Moore. And J? Well, she looked exactly like GWL volunteer, Jay!