GWL Spring Collection

It feels strange that the shops have brought in their Spring collections and there is still snow on the ground, but then I thought why not jump on the band wagon, so here is an exclusive peek at our Spring 2010 collection of learning and events at Glasgow Women’s Library. The full programme is available on our Calendar or just click on the title to take you directly to the event page.

You can also view a PDF version of the Spring 2010 LLL Programme.

Firebrand Women

GWL and WEA have teamed up to provide a programme of talks about some really inspirational women campaigners, taking place at relevant venues across the city. Why not come along to one or all of the following sessions starting on Wedesday 24 February at 1pm:

  • Suffragettes & First Wave Feminism
  • The Temperance Movement
  • Second Wave Feminism and the Peace Movement
  • Women and the Abolition Movement
  • The Chartists
  • The Rent Strikes
  • A Way With Words

    Monday 8 March, 1pm to 3pm
    On International Women’s Day join us for a special exhibition for the launch of Glasgow Women’s Aid publication “A Way With Words” from women who have left abusive men.

    Opening Pandora’s Box

    Tuesday 9 March, 5pm to 7pm
    An exclusive unearthing of some lost German art pioneers. Followed by a workshop exploring more aspects of lesbian history and culture.

    Comedy Sketch Workshop

    Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 March, 10am to 2pm
    Have you got what it takes to write a funny comedy sketch for TV? This 2 day L.A.B workshop will have you writing, filming and performing. Ideally suited to comedy beginners.

    One Small Step

    Tuesday 23 March, 10am to 4pm
    An informative and inspirational day for women of all ages and backgrounds who want to find out more about developing walks for women.

    Wicked Wenches

    Friday 26 March, 8:30pm
    Join Susan Calman and chums in the funniest fundraiser in the city. With proceeds benefiting Glasgow Women’s Library, you’ll love joining the ladies for a laugh! Tickets through the comedy festival website, £8/£5.

    Researching Your Local History – Taster Session

    Wednesday 31 March, 10am to 12pm
    Taster session for our Researching Your Local History course, find out more about the course and see if you would be interested in taking your interest in Women’s History to the next level.

    Researching Your Local History

    Wednesday 21 April, 10am to 12pm
    Do you have a favourite woman, place, building, or organisation you would like to know more about? Interested in researching the first women’s refuge or the meetings of the women’s suffrage movement? We can help!

    Making Space: Blue Spine

    Blue Spine is a newly commissioned artwork by internationally renowned artist Shauna McMullan involving the creation of a single, long, blue, line of books borrowed and collected from women throughout Scotland.

    You are invited to take part in this artwork.
    Can you lend a book to this collection? Your book needs to have a blue spine (or have blue somewhere in the spine) and be written by a woman.

    Blue Spine makes a connection with the Library’s plans to become a national resource and is Supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council. You will be invited to celebrate the opening of the artwork and to see your book as part of this collection in May 2010. Following the exhibition your book will be returned to you with a numbered bookmark enclosed, recognising your book’s place within this collection. Your book will be borrowed until August 2010 and it is important to include a note of your name, address and contact details with your book.

    Please send your book to (or drop it off at):
    Blue Spine Collection, Glasgow Women’s Library, 81 Parnie St, Glasgow G1 5RH

    There is more information on the Making Space website.

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