Glasgow Twestival

You can help the Library become this year’s Glasgow ‘Twestival’ Local Charity and help us raise funds for our move to the Mitchell Library. Vote now to nominate Glasgow Women’s Library for the Glasgow Twestival in September!

Glasgow Twestival logo ... Vote for GWL!

The Twestival movement is a world-wide phenomenon inspired by the social networking site Twitter but built from grassroots across the globe. Like-minded ‘tweeps‘ come together for an evening of music (and prizes!), and raise money for charity. The last series of Twestivals raised money for Charity: Water, and for the upcoming Twestivals the focus has changed to local charities. The Glasgow Twestival will take place on September 10th, and they’re looking for a Glasgow-based charity to support.

The charity is being chosen by open vote, and we’d like your help in nominating GWL. You can vote for the Library here! Voting is open until midday on Friday, 31st July.

Updated Friday 31st July: Voting has now closed. Our congratulations to the winning charity, No Strings Attached Scotland, and many, many thanks to all those who supported us.

Don’t forget: You can follow the GWL Kettle on Twitter here.

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