Librarian news

Hello, it’s been awhile and now it’s already time to settle the year 2007 down to its’ bed.Awww.

My time has been most enjoyable with 6 new classification bee volunteers, a rare and lovely bunch of women, all keen to help the library. Thanks very much to them for their amazing efforts! We have classified 2352 books.Well done!Also to Claire for her labelling abilities.And the anonymous donor of my now famous plastic shopping trolley, which I can be found pushing along gaily like a wee girl wi’ a pram!

Personally I am enjoying the post-dissertation freedom of being able to read NOVELS, yes those wee things that brighten and deepen your experience of living, most recently The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffeneger and now am halfway through the Lovely bones by Alice Sebold. Both wonderful in their own way, taking me into a deeper isolated space within, which paradoxically opens me up in a universal compassionate way. This is just what Joseph Gold, the master of bibliotherapy stated it would do!!Self-Bibliotherapy at work!

In ma house, on 25th December we are having a ‘James Brown Day’ and eating only brown food and soul food.So, whatever your thing is, I hope it is peaceful, warm and loving.Happy New Year!