On 23rd July 1916 the first Women’s Peace Crusade marched from George Square to Glasgow Green, drawing crowds of thousands. This Crusade grew into a mass international women’s peace movement. Since early 2016 a group of GWL’s staff, learners and volunteers have been exploring some of the key protagonists and their remarkable achievements. 100 years later to the day they will lead a procession in the Crusaders’ footsteps from Glasgow Green to Glasgow Women’s Library and will launch an exhibition that places the Peace Crusaders in the wider picture and includes a newly realised series of ‘portraits’. The exhibition launch will be followed by a screening of GWL and RCS’s barnstorming film, MARCH.
3pm Assemble outside People’s Palace Winter Gardens entrance, Glasgow Green, for short performance and guided walk to Glasgow Women’s Library
5pm Exhibition launch with refreshments
6pm Screening of film, MARCH
On 21st and 22nd July, a conference will take place at Glasgow University: “Faith in the First World War”. This will explore how faith helped to survive the First World War, encouraged many to support it, but inspired others to refuse to fight or to strive for peace.
This event is free to attend. Please book below (you will be taken through the shopping cart but no charge will be made) or you can call us on 0141 550 2267. If you have booked a place and are no longer able to attend please let us know so that we can make your place available to someone else.