As we enter an exciting new stage for GWL we would love your ideas, views and feedback.
We have the building, we have a brilliant can-do team and we have scope as never before to offer life-changing events, creative activities and learning opportunities for people at Glasgow Women’s Library.
We would like everyone who has used the Library and our website and those that are yet to visit to take a little time to share in the planning we are doing for what this space can provide for the widest range of visitors, learners and enquirers.
Over the forthcoming months the whole GWL team will be actively seeking views and ideas, and stimulating imagination and visions to forge spaces and resources, programmes, ways of working and communicating that take our famed ‘special ingredient’ to the next level.
Please take time when you next visit to get involved with the range of #GWLhearsme activities. Or to start sending us messages that let us know what you want us to hear contact us via email at or share your thoughts and images on our Facebook or Twitter using the #GWLhearsme hashtag.
We can’t wait to hear what you’d like to tell us!
We’d love to know if there are things you value about the GWL space, the events and activities, our collection of books, archive and museum items, our website or our team.
All of the information you share will be very valuable to us in improving what we are offering to all and making the library a more exciting, welcoming and well used space.
We are always grateful to hear your feedback via our events evaluation forms, social media, conversations with you in the library, and through our comments book. With #GWLhearsme we are taking our efforts in gathering this feedback to the next level with further activities in the library to celebrate and make the most of the fantastic insight our audiences, visitors, learners and library users have.
Thank you for your support during this valuable process at an important stage of our development. We look forward to hearing what you would like to tell GWL!