This post was published 12 years ago. You can explore more recent posts through the categories and tags.
I have worked with Glasgow Women’s Library now for more than five years, and in that time the organisation has grown so much. As we look towards our next stage and the move to Bridgeton we have all been thinking about what the future might hold and this has also made me think about all that has been achieved.
Our most recent programme of events is coming to an end and had 50 events in; from exhibition launches to women make history workshops, heritage walks and outdoor storytelling. At the end of each programme we like to look back and reflect over what worked well and we should do more of, and plan our next programmes based on this and feedback from the library users and partners.
So I have been reflecting on the past 5 years and decided to pull together my top ten events, a difficult task to say the least.
There were just so many fantastic events to choose from it was really hard to select ten, and during the past five years there has been the introduction of a National Learning Programme, and if I had included events from this too then it would have had to be a top twenty at least! If that’s the highlights from the last five years, can you image what we have planned for the next five!
Feel free to leave a comment about your favourite event at the library, whether it’s from the last five years or the last twenty.
As the festive season draws to a close and we all return to normal life, on Monday (6th January) Ireland celebrated one last day of festivities with “Women’s Christmas Day” or, in Irish, “Nollaig na mBan”.
There was a relaxed “end of term” atmosphere at the final Story Cafe of 2024. Wendy had planned our readings for the first hour to feature food and especially the […]
As part of the exhibition Please Leave A Message, the Free Writing Society from Glasgow School of Art are running free writing workshops both online and at Glasgow Women’s Library.