Bold Types 2020 Finalist – Jean Gillespie

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Is it from the velvet

resonance of whale song

or the dark timbre of wolves

howling vibratos to other selves?


The Earth has a song,

All the planets do –

You can listen on the NASA website,

To those far-distant melodies


Messengers, ringing out through

Dead-space, caught in the

Tendrils of life, The Earth,

A nightingale among the stars


All whirling and booming a light-song

Refracted, detected, recorded.

Magnetic blooms holding them fast

Light-waves their lines of gravity,

Heartbeats in an ocean of time


Sailing against the void.

On screen, I watched the trace and track

Of a particle deep underground

From that 26 mile bunker in a borderland,



A faint luminescence.

Then looked outside at the night

And thought of you.


by Jean Gillespie


All text appears as provided by the author.