Join the Learner’s Forum

The GWL Learner’s Forum is the best opportunity for our valued learners to feed in their ideas about what the Library is doing well, how we can improve and what new things we should be thinking about.

At the first meeting the learner’s attending described the wider potential of the GWL Learner’s Forum as follows:

  • For learners to find out how to get (more) involved in GWL
  • The Forum offers opportunities to make suggestions of what could go into GWL’s Learning programmes
  • To have a role in the interpretation of what learners are telling us. Learners participating in the Forum can help Library staff evaluate information on broader learner feedback and the results of our monitoring and evaluation (e.g. help monitor where learners are coming from and how we can increase and expand the numbers and spread of learners across Glasgow/Scotland).
  • Find out about opportunities for volunteering
  • To meet and share experiences and ideas with other learners
  • To help ensure accessibility by road testing of evaluation forms, systems and changes in policy etc.
  • An ongoing consultation role for staff and Board of GWL.
  • To get up to date and in depth information from GWL staff on new initiatives, resources and services.

All women accessing learning of any kind at GWL are welcome to attend the Learner Forum meetings. Please contact us for more information.